This is our happy ever after.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October Fest in the King's house

So, these aren't the best pictures I've taken but it seems to be all the time I have to take pictures is going out the window. Life is sure speeding up. The big day came when the kids got to go to the pumkin patch and take their hay ride. It was the first time Natalie rode a bus and she was pretty scared. Which is weird because this girl isn't afraid of anything. So, they sat Tyson next to her and she was just fine. So I am trying to teach Ali to sign a little bit. Right now she just throws her hands above her head and shows us how big she is.
This is all three kids playing together with no tears. I had to capture the moment.
She doesn't look too happy does she?

Kyle giving her birthday hugs.

She was so proud of the little pumpkin she picked out.

Grandma gave Natalie a phone for her birthday. This girl LOVES phones, the color pink, and purses. Oh boy - a look into the future.

Natalie got her first black eye at Preschool. She was hit in the face by a swing. As my Dad would say in a womenly voice "It was a run by swinging."

This is the puppy Cory and Heather gave Natalie and she still carries it around as her treasure.


Kristi Barnes said...

I was very curious about his post because of what October fest is...but I see that these are just some very cute pictures. I love the one of Natalie sitting on that little blue car thing(I think it's an animal but I can't exactly remember), anyway her hair looks SO BEAUTIFUL....I love those curls!

The Boyter's said...

Cute pictures, it looks like you guys are having fun! So I found your blog through someone else's a while ago and forgot to say hi. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well. Here is our blog address,
Keep in touch :)